Monday, February 1, 2010

Dear February...

You snuck up on me so quickly! It seems like just yesterday I was celebrating Christmas! You come as a swift reminder to pick up my slack on some New Year's Resolutions (although I am quite proud of my efforts on a few others). But you also remind me that spring is right around the corner...oh, happy days!

In your honor, I'm going to try to include a "love" quote with each post this month. (Key word: try.) First up:

"Be careful if you make a woman cry, because God counts her tears. The woman came from Adam's rib, not from his feet to be walked on, not from his head to be made superior, but from the side of him to be made equal. Taken from under the arm so she should always be protected, and close to his heart for her to always be loved."

I'm not sure who this is by. I've heard that it's taken from the Hebrew Talmud. But I chose it because I'm in a great mood tonight and attended Theology on Tap again earlier today. T.O.T. covered a few controversial issues tonight, but my favorite take away was this: Our society is leaning towards a Principle of Tolerance. Tolerance has risen as the standard for the secular world. But how does that affect our faith? How can you exist in a tolerant world and still be moral? We tolerate adultry, divorce, abortion, the death penalty....but we don't have to be tolerant. It brings to mind another quote: "If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything." Just some brain food :)

Sleep sweet, blog world!


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