Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Random Acts of Kindness

First off, I am so sorry for leaving you hanging for a week. I've been busy with work (and will be through next week), so I haven't had time to think of interesting things to write. Keyword: interesting. It's strange that since I've started this little blog project I'll think of things randomly throughout the day that I could blog about. And then ultimately decide that A. It isn't interesting enough B. It's a stupid idea or C. I don't have enough to say about it.

But I will say this....

Random acts of kindness make me happy. Seriously. Even if they aren't directed at me. It's something about knowing that there are good, thoughtful people in the world still. That humans are still capable of caring about one another, when all we seem to be told is that people are selfish. The news is filled with terrible things -- death, adultery, greed. It's so refreshing to be reminded that the other end of the spectrum still exists. For example: Last week, I left work on Thursday after it had been snowing the entire afternoon only to find that the boy had brushed all the snow off my car already. (I was extremely grateful! Being practical, I wore flats. Being unpractical, didn't think that 2 inches of snow + drifts = snow in my shoes.) When I got home I found that someone had moved the trashcan from the curb back up against the house before all the snow. (Again, I was wearing flats. And it was COLD. Seeing that kind of thoughtfulness made me feel warm inside.) And as if that all wasn't enough, I came home Friday to find the front walk shoveled. (Did I mention that I couldn't find a snow shovel anywhere in the garage???)

People will never cease to amaze you if you just let them. You just need to have a little faith.

On another note, I've made a good start on at least one of my resolutions! I made an appointment with an orthopedist to have my shoulder looked at again. I won't lie, I hung up the first time I called. I had to work up a bit of nerve. I'm just annoyed with still having to go to the doctor for the same issue, but circumstances haven't allowed for me to get it taken care of before now. I joked (or was it really a joke?) with my dad that I'm just going to type out a list of symptoms and a timeline of doctors, medications, shots and treatments to hand over. It has to be easier than rehashing the last 2 years. Of course I had to also call the last orthopedist and request copies of my X-rays and MRI's to provide the new doctor...


It felt a little bit like breaking up. The lady on the phone didn't seem to believe me when I said that my new insurance didn't cover them, almost like the typical, "It's not you, it's me" speech or the "I want us to be together, but we just can't be together right now." The next step is to go by and pick up my things...

Hope you all find a kind act to do for another person and are staying on track with your resolutions!



  1. I agree, random acts of kindness are amazing! Someone posted a RAK (like the acronym?! haha) story on facebook a couple weeks ago. the person in front of him in the drive thru at starbucks paid for his drink! I told myself I would do that the next time I went through the drive thru. Have I really not been through a drive thru since then?!

  2. you are such a good writer, meg! so metaphorical haha

    RAKs are a good thing! so are random compliments...see above :)
