Monday, May 3, 2010

New Resolutions

I know most people make their resolutions around New Year's -- work out more, eat healthier, etc. I tend to find that its springtime when I feel the need to get my act together. The weather is warmer, the sun is shining(...and I look like the next Twilight cast member), people start planning vacations, and I have to actually start thinking about getting back into an itsy, bitsy, tweeny weeny....BIKINI. Don't get me wrong, I love the pool, the sun, the lake, boating -- any summer activity -- but I dread the photographs. So here is one of my question: has anyone found never-fail tips for photographing well in bathing suits? I usually go with the "suck-the-tummy-in-turn-at-an-angle-hand-on-the-love-handle" method if I can. But I'm just curious. And while I'm late on this train, what are some things you all do to get ready for summer and bikini season?

As for me:
- I've been perusing health magazine websites -- Health, Shape, Prevention and Women's Health.
- I'm determined to use the gym once I get into my new apartment.
- I tossed all the change from my purse into my piggy bank. Saves money AND prevents me from getting Cheez Its out of the vending machine at work.
- I've tried to incorporate more vegetables, salads, etc. into my diet.
- I've also tried to drink more milk and eat more eggs.
- Sticking to my grocery list. I can plan out meals when I'm not starving, prevents impulse purchases, and saves a little money.
- Shop the perimeter of the store more (less processed foods are usually along the edges).
- Bought Kroger light ice cream to satisfy my insatiable sweet tooth. I also have some of the 150 calorie "Warm Delights" microwavable desserts.
- Eat fruit with lunch every day, and try to incorporate it as a side to other meals.

Of course, I still ate an entire frozen Totino's pizza for dinner...but I can splurge every once in a while, right? I did eat vegetables and eggs like EVERY DAY last week.

I know the big key is to WORK OUT. I'm working that out still. (Excuse the lame pun.) But how do you all get back to feeling good? I've just felt frumpy lately, so I'm trying to get out of this slump. Any tips to add?


  1. I don't have any very exciting tricks for you, but I will say this made me laugh out loud at parts. Especially the classic bathing suit pose! haha

  2. haha! i've been thinking the same thing lately...i started packing my lunch and now i feel like i just munch munch munch all day long. at least its on carrots and strawberries instead of m&ms but still...
