Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Wondering Where I Have Been?

Uuuhh...so it has been almost a month since my last post. I knew I wasn't very good at this blogging game, but seriously -- I need to kick it up a notch. So with my deepest apologies, I'll give you my updates:

1. That sweet Kate Spade Posy Vase? Epic fail...apparently there was a "problem" with my order and it "could not be filled" or something. Bummer. But they did give me a $20 credit, so I'll keep my eyes peeled for my next sweet deal.

2. I did get a new phone. Samsung Solstice. But no worries...same phone number. (errr...or maybe I shouldn't say that, so when people say "Why has MJ been MIA?" you will respond "Oh it must be because she got a new phone.")

3. The sunglasses? Yeah, I totally got some new Ray Bans. And I love them. Some people hate to spend $$$ on expensive sunglasses, but in my experience I usually take care of them and wear them for years. I mean, let's be honest. You wear them. On. Your. Face. -- like direct center of focus for all people...except creepy men.

4. I had a WONDERFUL birthday filled with lots of sweets and sweet friends! I attended a beautiful wedding. Had a rockin' time at a hole-in-the-wall Owensboro bar. And I saw Gary Allan at our hotel...I could have shared an elevator with him, but chicken over here took the stairs. Minus the hour long wait for a cab and Creepy Tim (who hasn't had a girlfriend for 15 years and is trying to learn to talk to women and doesn't drink and was beaten by his step-dad, etc etc and then offered us a ride home...) it was an overall fabulous weekend.

5. I have 667 unread items in my Google Reader....and thats after unsubscribing to a bunch of blogs last week. Because I haven't had time to read them.

6. I have been working mucho hours. Like I think I calculated 56 hours last week? And it's almost 7, and I'm still at the office (taking a mental break to blog) and I took a 15 minute lunch at my desk...so crank that up to 5 extra hours this week already and it's only Tuesday. I'm exhausted. But through it, I've realized that I LOVE my new job. Like seriously. I work with wonderful people. I get to interact with students every day. I get such a high level of satisfaction from what I do. I really am blessed to A. be employed and B. get to do something that I enjoy every day. On that same note, I would still really like a vacation day to clean, iron, grocery shop, regular shop, and do something fun and relaxing. I'm just saying. (Hopefully after K Week and getting my old position filled I'll return to semi-normal hours.) Someone asked me today what I like to do for fun and I went blank...so then they asked what the most exciting thing I did in the last week...scratch that, month....was and again, blank. I said, "I met Archie Manning! But it was at a work conference..." Apparently that doesn't count. Like really...my idea of fun now seems to equate to take-in Chinese and movies. Although I will be trying to factor in some more fun or working out or something...and blogging of course :)

That's all for now! Back to work so I can go home!